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On May 14th, 2024, Instruct.SI and Instruct-ERIC organized a mini-symposium entitled Structural biology in Slovenia and beyond, celebrating membership of Slovenia in Instruct-ERIC. Symposium was opened by the Slovenian coordinator Marjetka Podobnik and Instruct Council chair Sarah Butcher. First, Claudia Alén Amaro, head of Instruct-ERIC operations, presented opportunities enabled by the membership, which was followed by inspiring lectures of Harald Schwalbe (Instruct-ERIC director; Goethe University), Lucia Banci (head of Instruct-IT; University of Florence), and Jiří Nováček (Instruct-CZ, CEITEC). In the second part of the meeting, young Slovenian structural biologists (PhD students and early-career postdocs) presented their work, showcasing the high level of research in this field in Slovenia. Abstracts are available here.

During the meeting, Marjetka Podobnik (National Institute of Chemistry), main organizer of the conference and coordinator of Instruct.SI, and Miha Pavšič (University of Ljubljana), Instruct.SI board president, were presented with a certification of Slovenia’s membership in Instruct-ERIC.

News regarding this has also been published on the Instruct-ERIC website.

Marjetka Podobnik Claudia Alén Amaro Harald Schwalbe Lucia Banci Jiří Nováček Martina Lenarčič Živković (National Institute of Chemistry) Jošt Hočevar (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology) Neža Koritnik (National Institute of Chemistry) Ajasja Ljubetič (National Institute of Chemistry) Sara Vidmar (National Institute of Chemistry) Gašper Šolinc (National Institute of Chemistry) Nataša Lindič (Jožef Stefan Institute) Claudia Alén Amaro, Miha Pavšič, Marjetka Podobnik, Harald Schwalbe Group photo (part of participants)
Photo credits: Dr. Andrej Perdih