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We cordially invite you to attend a workshop entitled “Thyroid hormone cycle: biochemistry, structure, physiology, autoimmunity”, which will be held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, in Kolar’s lecture hall (department K5).

The purpose of the workshop is to boost collaboration in thyroglobulin and thyroid hormone-related research. The workshop is sponsored by Instruct.SI to facilitate structural biology-related research.

Programme includes lectures:

  • by Francesca Coscia (Human Technopole, Milano, Italy),
  • by Marcin Drag (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland), and
  • several short talks.

The workshop will conclude with a discussion »What can we do together«.

There is still room for short (15 min) talks!

Contact: Prof. Dušan Turk (Dusan.Turk@ijs.si)

Applications for short talks and registrations, which are obligatory in order to organise lunch, are accepted via e-mail (see above).

Organisers thank to the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS) and Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Republic of Slovenia, for financial support.